There are many reasons that cause the fuzzing LED display. It is possible that the color of the unit board is inconsistent due to problems with the control card, power supply, software, and cable. Here are the 6 reasons that cause the LED display screen to be blurred, and the solutions are attached.

1. The led control card itself is a problem.
2. The program of the led control card or led receiving card is not loaded or is loaded incorrectly.
3. The power value of the led receiving card is too high or low, causing the led control card to not work normally.
4. The driving current and voltage are related to the calculation of the capacitance and resistance used in the whole screen control.
5. Control system failure caused by power supply failure.
6. Poor contact of the cable.
LED electronic display flower screen fault solution problem
1. First check, control the power supply on the computer and the LED electronic display, and control whether the signal line between the computer and the LED display is correct.
2. Check the settings of the graphics card. The graphics card must be set to an imitation form, that is, the computer display and the LED electronic display should be set to the same form to show the same picture.
3. Check whether the led control card program is loaded or installed incorrectly.
4. Check whether the cable is in poor contact.
The above is about the common methods to solve the glitches of LED electronic display screens. In addition, if the glitches are caused by the unit board’s own problems or LED light-emitting tube problems, professionals need to solve them, and you can contact our technical support to solve them!