Now a days, it is quite tough to get the difference between SMD and DIP Outdoor LED Display with all the various proposed technologies. When these both are turned off, they look somewhat same and when switched on, their rendering is also same.
Difference between a SMD and DIP outdoor led display:
SMD models are flat and do not reflect light. Whereas in DIP led sending card, all are separated from each other and are visible. You can see green led, blue led and green led for each point on the screen. It is mainly used for Outdoor services as it does not allow to go below the pitch 7 and also, more robust globally in time. So in this portray: SMD vs. DIP: DIP wins the outdoor game.
On the other hand, SMD is used for large-scale production, is lightweight, wide visual angle, good color fidelity, better color uniformity and less labor cost. Hence, less LED Display screen price.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. It completely depends on your requirement and necessities, whether you want LEDs for outdoor or indoor applications. So choose accordingly!
Experts suggest to use quality screen, sending card, display, etc. because it makes huge difference. We at LEDControllerCard.com are dealing in quality LED Display and other parts for years now. The cost-effective deals for quality LED products attract huge ratio of customers. Feel free to call and know complete details.